Get The Best Belly Fat Burner...For Everybody!

What is the best fat burner for women? What is the best burner for men? Is there a difference?

Fat makes and stores estrogen. It makes the bad fraction of estrogen if you have too much fat, but it is good for women to have good estrogen. That is one reason a healthy female has more body fat than a healthy male. Females should be about 27% body fat.

Muscle makes and stores testosterone, which is good for men and, interestingly enough, good for women although in lesser amounts. Thus, men should be no more than 23% body fat. But men and women lose testosterone with age. They also convert too much of health causing estrogen into fractions of estrogen that cause disease. The same with health promoting testosterone that converts to disease causing testosterone. Not to mention the things in our (junk) food and our (polluted) environment cause conversion of testosterone into estrogen, in women, yes, but particularly in men. All of this endocrine failure results in way too much fat.


And there's your trouble-

So, instructions for getting fat:

First, eat processed food that is sugar, starch, chemical additives, fillers, and bad fats. Also, drink sugary, carbonated, and/or chemical drinks.
Second, eat a lot and eat continually. Love the phyto-hormones, amino acids, and peptides that keep you thinking you're hungry and making you desperate for carbohydrate intoxication.
Third, after enjoying body saturating sugar/starch high, endure high insulin levels bathing your liver in insulin, coaxing out high amounts of low density lipoprotein, LDL, the "bad cholesterol.
Fourth, watch your kids oingo boingo around on sugar/starch induced over stimulation
Fifth, note your inability to exercise or do physical work on sugar high. You just quiver. Also, insulin high makes you lethargic. Again, exercise or physical work is impossible,
Sixth, feel not the burn but rather the glob as you store fat.
Seventh, repeat continually until you have to see a doctor.

If you want to break free of the sugar/starch/insulin high and crash cycle, you have these options:

A) Eat only meat, nuts, seeds, and dairy. There are people that do this and they are not fat, neither do they have high cholesterol. Their colon is completely silted up and they get colo-rectal disease but, by heck, they are not fat.

B) Eat only leaves, stalks, roots, seeds (grain), fruits, beans and other legumes, and drink juice from same (brewed, fermented, distilled, or simply fresh). This gives you fiber and nutrients. Your colon is pristine, but you do not have the wherewithal for mighty muscles. Yeah, yeah, yeah, beans and rice make a complete protein, but you lack enough protein for strength. There are nutrients best found in meat.

C) Eat a balanced diet with all the good things your body craves and things you really enjoy with a core health supplement that will counteract body fat from hormone degeneration. Your saving supplement must initiate a fat burning cycle. You need the best fat burner for you! What do you think about this radical concept of good hormones/bad hormones and fat?
Tip Bowell served for over 30 years in the military, from Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom, during which he refined his expertise in exercise, health and nutrition. Tip was shocked at the powerful punch that Best Fat Burner brought to the fight against being overweight and knew that he had to share this power.

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