Best Fat Burner System

Yes, there is a way to lose weight and lower blood sugar.

I was shopping in a big mall and I saw two beautiful girls from Israel selling body restoring salts from the Dead Sea (Get it? Life salts from the Dead Sea?). They also had this Dead Sea shore green clay for an instant face lift. They were so cute and nice to me (They were ten years younger than my youngest child) I, of course, bought the stuff, which worked great by the way. As they were ringing me up, they asked what I do so I told them about best fat burner. Then they asked...

WHY ARE AMERICANS SO FAT? I said "Because Americans live on sugar and starch and bad fats." They looked a little confused and then asked...

WHY DO AMERICANS LIVE ON SUGAR AND STARCH AND BAD FATS? My response was "Americans are frequently carbohydrate addicts." They followed this logical and instantly asked....

WHAT IS A CARBOHYDRATE ADDICT? I said "A carbohydrate addict is addicted to sugar rush and sugar high." So guess what the final question was?

HOW DO YOU BREAK CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION? We agreed that you have to take away the cravings and the payoff for satisfying the cravings with THE BEST FAT BURNER FOR YOU.

I've thought a lot about that conversation. It's very easy to lecture people on how to be slender, muscular, energetic, smooth skinned, active and focused. The "how" is beyond dispute. It is a lot of don'ts and some basic do's. Don't smoke. We know that. We get that. Don't drink alcoholic beverages beyond a moderate point (which is very hard to determine). Of course, we all know about drug addiction and how it kills -- both with illegal and prescription drug massive overdose or gradual, incremental overdose.

But what about carbohydrate addiction? Food alcohol is just a very intense concentration or distillation of sugar. It turns out that wheat and corn and other starches are more glycemic even than sugar. So then we come to a new "Don't." Don't eat processed "food" that is full of sugar and starch. It is very addictive and very damaging.

Break free from ALL your addictive behaviors!

Eat healthy natural food. Emphasize protein and fiber. Drink clean water. Be active.

It's simple, not easy, but simple. But, you ask, with the good pleasures of life so hard to come by, HOW DO I TAKE LIFE STRAIGHT? You need help. You need support. You need a plan and a system that MAKE LIFE BETTER.
Tip Bowell served for over 30 years in the military, from Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom, during which he refined his expertise in exercise, health and nutrition. Tip was shocked at the powerful punch that Best Fat Burner brought to the fight against being overweight and knew that he had to share this power.

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